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Form 9205: Labor Peace Agreement Notarized Statement

Form 9205: Labor Peace Agreement Notarized Statement

An applicant for a commercial cannabis business that has not already entered into a labor peace agreement may use this form to complete the notarized statement required by Business and Professions Code section 26051.5 and Department regulations sections 15002(c)(19) and 15023(b). This statement must be signed by an owner who is identified and disclosed on the license application.

How to submit

Submit the signature page of the labor peace agreement to DCC along with a copy of Form DCC-LIC-027 and email to  

Related resources

  • Labor peace agreements for cannabis businesses

    State law requires many commercial cannabis licensees to enter into, and abide by, labor peace agreements. Recent changes to state law have strengthened these requirements, by expanding the number of licensees that are subject to these requirements. This FAQ page is intended to help educate cannabis licensees and workers about state-law requirements related to labor peace agreements…

  • Labor peace agreements on file

    DCC has a full or partial labor peace agreement (LPA) on file from the licensees listed in table format in the link above. Additional information can also be requested.